2024 was a year of gratefulness matched with a change of pace. Not a restful change, but a rewarding one. I spent time focusing on myself and my family, as well as continuing my journey of leadership. It was a very reflective year, where I asked myself a lot of questions about what is important, and what productivity meant to me in an environment that was full of distractions. It was a Good Year ™, though, and one I’ll never forget as we welcomed Rudy to the world.
The number one priority
Not to downplay the importance of work and other endeavours, but the only real priority for 2024 was to support Ailsa in pregnancy and safely land Rudy on this planet. 2023 was for many reasons, a historically difficult year, which made his arrival one that was filled with gratefulness and huge emotions.
Without beginning to list all the cliches of having a baby and starting a family, all of them are true. It really is the most incredible and insane process that your relationship and life can go through. It is terrifying and an explosion of love in equal measure. Birth is also the most mind-blowing thing you’ll ever witness, and my admiration for Ailsa’s strength and power in getting Rudy here will never diminish.
We ended 2024 with Rudy turning eight months, which both flew by but also felt like he’d always been a part of our lives. Our little family is growing. A dog is not a child, but Louie was the start of our family, and now we have Rudy. In some ways, Louie prepared us for some of what parenting brings, but obviously without the 24/7 need for care and support (although the demand for food remains the same). Louie continues to crack us up on an almost daily basis, although having a dog and a young baby can sometimes create testing situations, but this is our family, and we’d have it no other way.

We still managed to travel. We took Rudy to Spain, as well as some trips across the UK, and we can’t wait to explore new places with him. I could go on about how becoming a parent has changed me, but all I have to say in this round-up is that I will forever be learning, making mistakes, and doing my best to support Rudy. I’m excited for that challenge.
The reassurance of indie conferences
2024 was the first year I’ve missed my own conference. This was because Rudy’s due date essentially fell on the day of the conference. The theme of being grateful continued to those who the conference could not run without. Phil, Jack, James, and James all came forward to support and run All Day Hey! 2024 without me, and for that I am forever grateful. It went off without any issues, and the feedback was as wonderful as previous years. We’re always looking for things to improve and be aware of for the next one. I was so proud we could deliver the conference regardless of my personal circumstances.
It was also an amazing year for other indie conferences in the UK. I’ve built quite a friendship group around those sadistic enough to run indie conferences. It is a tough climate for events in general at the moment, and has been for years following the pandemic. Consistency is key here, and the organisers remain consistent. State of the Browser, ffconf, Pixel Pioneers and WDC all returned with incredible line-ups and accessible, affordable events. We should never take these community-focused events for granted. If you’d miss them if they disappeared, then show that admiration for them now by supporting them through ticket purchases or spreading the word. You never know when events, venues and initiatives may just disappear without that support.
I really enjoyed speaking at WDC in 2024, too. It gave me a reason to articulate some of my thoughts on building communities into something more cohesive. It’s also such a lovely conference to speak at, and one which I’d recommend to anyone looking to get into public speaking.
We also hosted plenty of events at Glean to continue to support and contribute towards the local scene, and I’m excited to focus more on this in 2025, especially as we intend to take a much bigger part in the Leeds Digital Festival this year. I also pushed the team to start an engineering conference, which they delivered very successfully. Props to Mala and the team for making this a wonderful day!
Slowing down (but not in a restful way)
The arrival of Rudy meant the need to slow down. To prioritise our family and behave differently. Previously, I’d work until I felt work was at a point where I felt comfortable leaving it for the day. I had boundaries, but also no problem breaking them if I felt in the flow and onto something good. With a young child, this option isn’t available to you anymore. You have to run to a stricter schedule, be present, and put the work in. This has taken some adjustment. Eight months in, I feel I’m finding my way.
That’s not to say music and cooking has taken a back seat, because they haven’t. But I’d say the moments where I can focus on those things are more spaced out and require more planning. Something which is all part of the learning.
Work and focus
I will always enjoy working, especially when it’s for a company like Glean. The mission and opportunity ahead of us is ginormous. It will be a huge year for the company. We’re working on some exciting releases and announcements, which I’ll be sharing more of in the coming months.
To round off the gratefulness, I am grateful to be part of a talented Executive team, all supporting each others growth, as well as the Product and Technology team with whom I work with daily. It’s going to be the biggest year in the history of the company this year, and we’re doing everything in our power to ensure that is the case.
2025 is about continuing to find that impossible balance of building a family alongside a demanding role. I’m excited to prioritise my health, having recently picked up strength training again, which might be the thing that helps me get my head around everything else going on in life. Onwards!